Best Charities – Part Two!


Hello Everyone!

I recently posted about how to locate information about the best animal charities by visiting

It is important to realize that not all charities are alike – some are more frugal, some are more politically focused, some are more efficient, some believe in paying the for-profit wages to attract the best CEOs to power their mission, some use a great deal of volunteers, some are more grassroots, and the list goes on.

My focus in this post is to identify the top-rated animal charities and the bottom rated animal charities. This is information based on Charity Watch – not my personal opinion – but it is important to note that I believe the best charities deserve the donations and loyalty from the public. Let’s not reward charities that are not properly focused on their mission.

The following criteria is used:

  1. Program % = Total expenses spent on core programs, instead of overhead, including fundraising and administration – 75% or greater of direct program expense is considered highly efficient.
  2. Cost to Raise $100 = How much it cost the charity to bring in each dollar of donations – A cost of $25 or less for every $100 donated is considered highly efficient.

Both scores combine to determine an overall efficiency rate…For example, a 90% to 100% of Program % (meaning most or all of expenses were spent on charity programs) AND a $0 – $4 Cost to Raise $100 combine to earn an A+ rating. You’ll see below that only two charities are able to achieve the A+ rating.

Here are the current top animal protection charities:

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